Below Is a technique that helps you analyse your thumbnails and ensures that the thumbnails you use is correctly done and that the information contained within your thumbnail will ensure that your videos are shown to a much wider audience on YOUTUBE.

These Techniques are those that are used by marketers who know the secrets of how to rank their videos on youtube, these tecnique is just one amongst a whole course of secrets, methods and techniques that will enable you take your videos and begin to rank them even against videos that have millions of views and are from authority channels.
How do you get this information that will enable you improve your videos so that you can compete and rank against the most highly ranked videos on youtube. These other techniques can be found in This course which I am giving Awayfor FREE as my MEGA BONUS

To get this AMAZING COURSE and change the way you work on your videos and video marketing and hence get more subscribers and more sales.
But that is just the first part of the FORMULA FOR SUCCESS, the second part of the method has to do with making the THUMBNAIL, for that you will need this APP called INSTATHUMBS.
InstaThumbs is a software created by San Kumar it is the most complete software for creating thumbnails around because it consists of methods of creating and decorating the text, creating image beckgrounds or design backgrounds, there are also options to add stickers and use a multitude of different templates all types of categories and niches.

The number of different methods and options available to you using this tool means that it is very easy to make a thumbnail that “pops” out at you and grabs your attention but also shows a level of professionalism that will be will be difficult to replicate.
InstaThumbs Versus The Competition
There are a number of other tools on the market like Photoshop and Camtasia which are widely used the challenge with these are the cost associated with them if you want to get all the features and you want tio have the flexibility to ensure that your thumbnails continue to look different and trendy. And in the case of Photoshop there is a steep learning curve and the price associated with the other add on can be a bit of an expense, the other feature in pricing is that photoshop is recurring therefore your costs just continues to increase month on month.
InstaThumbs is a one off payment and is rekatively affordable and becasue it is a specialist tool you can be up and running in less than 5 minutes, this is extremely helpful if you have several videos to work on or if you are creating thumbnails for clients. InstaThumb is a software that can create thumbnails that are as good and better than what you can find on fiverr and upwork.
This means that in addition to having a method that can be recreated over and over again you can also monetise your services by creating thumbnails for companies and clients on a regular basis and without very much fuss or thought. I should also point out that you do not necessarily have to create a thumbnail from scratch, this is because InstaThumbs templates are professionally designed and beautifully laid out so all you need to do is customise them slightly by changing a brand name or an image suitable for the niche you are interested in, and you have a thumbnai that meets all industry standards and is in keeping with the market trends.